
DjangoCon US is only possible through the generosity of the organizations and businesses on this page. Their donations make it possible for us to provide opportunity grants to speakers and attendees, record all talks, host sprints, and feed everyone for five days. Thank you for your support!


Six Feet Up

Six Feet Up is dedicated to accelerating your impact as a tech leader, making the world a better place. As a consulting company specializing in Python and AI for good, we empower you to make informed decisions, access accurate data faster and scale up your operations. Our expert engineers are here to help you with application development, AI, and big data. We value human life and our shared Earth. If you’re passionate about climate action, clean energy, or initiatives that benefit humankind, you’re in the right place. In fact, our goal is to complete 10 IMPACTFUL Projects — defined as impressive, purposeful, and transformative — by 2025 with clients like you. Driven by the EOS Process™ and home to an AWS Hero, Six Feet Up is a woman-owned and gender balanced software company. We’re a top 10 US Custom Software Development Company according to Clutch.co. Organizations like Capital One, NASA, Purdue University, and UNEP have leveraged our reliable software solutions since 1999. We’re eager to help you achieve your goals.


Platform.sh is a unified, secure, enterprise-grade platform for building, running and scaling fleets of websites and applications.



We are performance tuners, Python and Django experts, infrastructure and scaling architects. Your best opportunity for success in any situation is to have access to the highest level of knowledge and a thorough understanding of how to make the most of it. What you don’t know can hurt you. Let us help you over and around the bumps in the road you are on. At REVSYS, we help our clients with architecture decisions, implementing best practices, identifying cost savings, improving development velocity, mentoring, and ops automation. You need to move fast. We can help rev up your people, processes, and products.


Aptible is a platform as a service (PaaS) that’s built for engineering teams who need highly scalable, reliable, and secure infrastructure for their mission critical applications. Our web app and API hosting platform abstracts away any infrastructure complexity, and automates the work of provisioning, managing, and scaling infrastructure, so teams can focus on what actually matters: their product.

Caktus Consulting Group LLC

A web dev shop started by some friends out of college that grew into an employee-owned, self-directed agency working across governmental systems, social impact organizations, and other industries with a specialty for Django and Python development. We’re curious and we love meeting interesting people. If you want to trade stories, share clever ideas about the future of work, or compare opportunities , schedule an exploratory chat with our Chief of Curation!


Lincoln Loop

Lincoln Loop is a full-service software development agency with a focus on building scalable content platforms for publishers, non-profits & educators. Since 2007 their emphasis on quality in an agile environment has helped numerous startups and high-traffic sites grow their businesses. In addition to rock-solid Python and Django-powered backends, Lincoln Loop provides user experience, deployment, and real-time application development with JavaScript.

Two Rock Software

Two Rock Software is a friendly Django shop that focuses on developing custom solutions for humans. We enjoy collaborating at every level of a project from conception and brainstorming to launch and beyond. Our clients include a range of small to midsize businesses and nonprofits. Contact us to discover new ways to achieve growth and efficiency.

Two Rock Software is hiring!

JBS Solutions

JBS is a highly experienced team of senior developers and technology trailblazers obsessed with accelerating business innovation at any size. From high-growth startups to Fortune 500 organizations, we are problem-solvers orchestrating software development with the right harmony of passion and pragmatism to closely align with your business needs and growth.

JBS Solutions is hiring!

Foxley Talent

Foxley Talent is the go-to recruiter for the django community in America. We specialise in helping django engineers move into new jobs with great companies. Speak to us throughout (or before) the conference for job opportunities, hiring solutions or career advice.

As a part of the community and Silver Member of the Django Software Foundation we donate 5% of our profits to the DSF.

The Wharton School

For 25+ years, Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) has supported 500+ institutions across 38 countries with targeted solutions that underpin research, reinforce learning, and enable discovery. WRDS enables comprehensive thought leadership — democratizing data access and giving users the power to analyze complex information through curated Classroom Teaching guides, Video Learning Pathways, Analytics/Linking tools, Research Applications, and the raw data through our website powered by Django and Wagtail, Jupyter, direct PostgreSQL access, SSH on the WRDS Cloud, and SAS. Partnering with global vendors, WRDS hosts over 400 TB of raw data, including one of the largest PostgreSQL clusters on the planet — across all disciplines including Accounting, Banking, Economics, ESG, Finance, Healthcare, Insurance, Marketing, and Statistics — giving users the power to analyze complex information. Supporting a global community of 75,000+ commercial, academic, and government users across 38 countries, WRDS is the global gold standard in data management, innovative tools, analytics, and research services — all backed by the credibility and leadership of the Wharton School.


Rollbar is the leading error monitoring platform that proactively discovers, predicts, and remediates errors with real-time AI-assisted workflows. With Rollbar, developers continually improve their code and constantly innovate rather than spending time monitoring, investigating, and debugging. Try Rollbar with your code today!

Rollbar is hiring!


Sentry is the application monitoring platform for development teams to holistically monitor their code health from the frontend to the backend to see clearer, solve quicker, and learn continuously. growth.

Sentry is hiring!


Coherence provides automated environments for developing, testing, and deploying your app in your AWS or GCP account. With a minimal yaml file, you get a Heroku-like experience with preview environments, CI/CD pipelines, and production deployments configured for you as a best in class development platform.


Automation powered by community.

Ansible is an open source, command-line IT automation software application written in Python. It can configure systems, deploy software, and orchestrate advanced workflows to support application deployment, system updates, and more.

Open source and collaboration are at the heart of the Ansible community. Ansible Core + Collections, Ansible Galaxy, AWX, and other upstream projects to Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform are created by — and supported with — contributions from active community members to solve automation challenges that fuel enterprise innovation.

Scout APM

Scout APM is Django Application Performance Monitoring that streamlines troubleshooting by helping developers find and fix performance issues before customers ever see them. With real-time alerting, a developer-centric UI, and tracing logic that ties bottlenecks directly to source code, Scout APM helps you spend less time debugging and more time building a great product.

Quickly identify, prioritize, and resolve Python performance problems – memory leaks, N+1 queries, slow database queries, and more – with an agent that instruments the dependencies you need at a fraction of the overhead.


We build our software so you can enjoy building yours

Wagtail CMS

Meet Wagtail, a free open-source Django content management system. It’s fast, elegant, and designed to give everyone on your team the tools they need to manage content at enterprise scale.

Thanks to our partners Torchbox and CodeRed for bringing Wagtail to Djangocon



Healthvana uses modern technology to make healthcare better for patients - and has done so over 50 million times since 2015. Its HIPAA-compliant patient communication platform is used by healthcare providers to engage their patient populations in over 20 states. The company’s evidence-based solutions lead to better health outcomes, with a focus on underserved populations. Healthvana’s work has been featured everywhere from Fox News to the New York Times, and even at the White House. For more information, visit www.Healthvana.com.


TestDriven.io is a training company that focuses on teaching mid to senior level web developers Test-driven Development, microservice architecture patterns, container orchestration, and IT operations.


Six Feet Up

Six Feet Up is dedicated to accelerating your impact as a tech leader, making the world a better place. As a consulting company specializing in Python and AI for good, we empower you to make informed decisions, access accurate data faster and scale up your operations. Our expert engineers are here to help you with application development, AI, and big data. We value human life and our shared Earth. If you’re passionate about climate action, clean energy, or initiatives that benefit humankind, you’re in the right place. In fact, our goal is to complete 10 IMPACTFUL Projects — defined as impressive, purposeful, and transformative — by 2025 with clients like you. Driven by the EOS Process™ and home to an AWS Hero, Six Feet Up is a woman-owned and gender balanced software company. We’re a top 10 US Custom Software Development Company according to Clutch.co. Organizations like Capital One, NASA, Purdue University, and UNEP have leveraged our reliable software solutions since 1999. We’re eager to help you achieve your goals.

Opportunity Grant

Django Software Foundation

Development of Django is supported by an independent foundation established as a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Like most open-source foundations, the goal of the Django Software Foundation is to promote, support, and advance its open-source project: in our case, the Django Web framework.

Python Software Foundation

The Python Software Foundation (PSF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation that holds the intellectual property rights behind the Python programming language. We manage the open source licensing for Python version 2.1 and later and own and protect the trademarks associated with Python. We also run the North American PyCon conference annually, support other Python conferences around the world, and fund Python related development with our grants program and by funding special projects.



Django Events Foundation North America (DEFNA) is a non-profit based in California USA. It was formed in 2015 at the request of the Django Software Foundation (DSF) to run DjangoCon US. The DSF have licensed DEFNA to run DjangoCon US since 2015. Beyond DjangoCon US we also plan to be involved with other events in North America that cover the education and outreach of Django.