Announcing Our Keynotes: Andrew "Pandy" Knight

We’re honored to announce our third keynote speaker for DjangoCon US 2023: Andrew “Pandy” Knight!

Photo of Andrew 'Pandy' Knight

Andrew Knight, also known as “Pandy,” is the Automation Panda. He’s a software quality champion who loves to help people build better quality software. An avid supporter of open source software, Pandy is a Playwright Ambassador as well as the lead developer for Boa Constrictor, the .NET Screenplay Pattern. On the side, he is writing a book on software testing with Manning Publications. Check out his tech blog at, follow him on Twitter at @AutomationPanda.

Pandy’s Talk is titled “Testing Modern Web Apps Like a Champion.”

Here’s the abstract from Pandy himself:

It’s 2023, and web apps are usually more complicated than just a bunch of HTML pages hosted on somebody’s server. The Web is an incredible platform for building and sharing applications that bring people value, from work to social media to banking and pretty much every aspect of life. With rich features, though, comes complexity: modern web apps are more complicated than ever. It’s a serious challenge to make sure web apps both look right and work right.

Let’s learn how to thoroughly test modern web apps like a CHAMPION!

In this session, we will deep dive into proper testing techniques for all layers of a web app:

  1. Unit testing, including Django’s test client

  2. Component testing as applicable

  3. API testing for integrations

  4. End-to-end testing through a browser

  5. Performance and load testing

  6. Continuous testing as part of DevOps pipelines

Come ready to learn! We will focus on Django apps in Python, but the concepts we learn are transferable to any web development stack. By the end of this session, you will know how to build a rigorous testing strategy together with the test cases you need to make sure your modern web apps have high quality.

Pandy is local to the Triangle area, and we are so excited to have Pandy join us in Durham this October!

Don’t miss Pandy’s keynote! Buy your ticket today.