2023 DjangoCon US Recap
Thank you for joining us this year in Durham (and virtually) for an amazing conference!

DjangoCon US 2023 was hosted in Durham, North Carolina for the first time and hosted 443 attendees from all over the world!
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From tutorials on Airflow and Postgres to talks about contributing to Django and diversity, equity and inclusion to hallway tracks and sprint contributions, 2023 was another fantastic year for DjangoCon US!
Every year, DjangoCon US works hard to make our program better and more accessible, and this year we're super proud of the features we had:
- Deep Dive Day, a single-track conference day dedicated to talks that go into more detail on Django topics
- Accessibility wins: Once again we provided subsidized child care, a dedicated lactation room and live captioning for all talks
- Travel stipends for all speakers
- Technology reimbursement for online presenters
Thanks to our generous sponsors, who helped make these conference dreams a reality.

Awesome Talks and Tutorials
We featured over 50 talks & tutorials this year. Here are some crowd favorites!
See the full scheduleOur Presenters are
2023 By the Numbers
2023 was an amazing year for attendance, sponsorship, talks, food, really everything that goes into making a conference great.
Picture Perfect
We captured so many Kodak moments over the week! Thanks to Bartek Pawlik for being our official conference photographer and saving these memories for us.
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DjangoCon US 2023 was possible through lots of
Our organizers put hundreds of hours of heart and soul into this conference. We couldn't do it without each and every one of you!

Adam Fast
A/V Chair, Code of Conduct team
Aditya Dhoot
Program team
Adrienne Franke
Code of Conduct co-chair
Benedict kofi Amofah
Opportunity Grants Team, Online Conference Team, Communication Team
Carol Ganz
DEFNA Director, Opportunity Grants Chair, Code of Conduct team
Catherine Holmes
Sponsors & Tickets Chair, Code of Conduct team
Dawn Wages
Sponsors Chair, Code of Conduct team
Drew Winstel
DEFNA Vice President, Program Co-Chair, Opportunity Grants team, Code of Conduct team
Emmanuel Owusu
Community Team, Opportunity Grants Team
Erin Mullaney
COVID-19 co-chair
Website team
Jason Judkins
Blog Chair, Community Chair, Social Events co-chair
Jeff Triplett
DEFNA Cofounder, Code of Conduct team
Jennifer Myers
DEFNA Treasurer
Jorge Gimeno
Onsite Coordinator, Code of Conduct team
Katherine "Kati" Michel
DEFNA Director
Kojo Idrissa
Orientation, Lightning Talks & Sprints Chair
Michael Clark
Code of Conduct Committee Co-chair
Nicole Dominguez
DEFNA Director, Swag team, Website team
Noah Alorwu
Onsite Coordinator, Visa Support
Peter Grandstaff
DEFNA President, Conference Chair, Venue Chair
Rachell Calhoun
Volunteer Chair, Sprints Co-chair
Tim Allen
Social Chair